
Protest Information 

Healthcare Reform & Justice for Luigi Mangione

Join us as we demand justice for Luigi Mangione and fight for urgent health care reform! Luigi’s case is a tragic example of a failing system that denies people the care they need. We’re standing together to demand accountability, change, and a health care system that prioritizes people over profits.

* Updated Time and Info Following Feb. 14 Litigation time change to 2:15pm 

Last Updated 2/17

Date: February 21st, 2025
 Location: 100 Centre St New York, NY 10013 
 Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
 Dress Code: Wear green to show solidarity


MESSAGE GUIDE – Keep this on you (digitally or physically)! It explains why we are here and what we stand for. Review it so we can stay unified in our messaging. Media Campaign included as well for those who cannot be there. 
🔗 Message Guide

PROTEST GUIDE – This document has all the necessary information to ensure a safe, effective, and peaceful gathering. Everyone should read it before the protest.
🔗 Protest Guide

MEDICARE GUIDEThis document has information regarding how to effectively advocate for medicare
🔗 Medicare Guide 


Protest Poster LM


While we encourage engagement and advocacy, we will not condone the organization of illegal activities or civil disobedience. You are welcome to share flyers and information about external events, but the planning of unauthorized actions under the People Over Profit NYC name is strictly prohibited. Any unsanctioned event will not be protected or endorsed by this movement, and we will make clear that such actions are not affiliated with us. Violating this policy may result in removal from our spaces.

By participating in this protest, you acknowledge the following:

This is not an official organization-led event. We are simply a group of concerned individuals coming together to organize a unified public demonstration to voice our shared concerns and stand in solidarity. No Official Permit – This is a spontaneous, peaceful assembly not officially sanctioned by local authorities.Personal Responsibility – You are responsible for your actions, safety, and any legal risks, including possible fines or arrest.Respect the Law – Stay peaceful and law-abiding; our goal is awareness, not disruption.Risk of Disruption – Authorities may intervene or disperse the protest.No Organizer Liability – Organizers are not responsible for participants’ actions or any legal consequences.Legal Advice – If concerned, consult a lawyer before attending.

This case may be under legal review, and public statements about specific evidence, defendants, or legal strategies could impact the fairness and impartiality of the jury. Engaging with the media carries this risk, especially for New York residents, where high-profile cases receive extensive coverage. Please be mindful when discussing legal matters publicly.

Why We’re Protesting:

  • Justice for Luigi Mangione: Against using courts and media manipulation to discredit opponents with bogus charges.
  • Universal Health Care Now: Everyone deserves access to necessary medical treatments without financial barriers.
  • End Medical Negligence & Corruption: Hold institutions accountable for failing patients.

How You Can Help:

  • Show Up & Stand With Us: Numbers matter! Bring signs, wear green, and make your voice heard. Bring extra green to give to others!
  • Volunteer: To help us facilitate a peaceful and unified protest, we need more volunteers! If you can step up in any way, please sign up here: Volunteer Form 
  • Spread the Word: Share this event with friends, family, and on social media. For in depth media campaign, look on Message Guide 
  • Get Involved:  For more ways to help, look on our Get Involved page


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Peaceful Protest Guidelines – New York City

Protest Guide – This document has all the necessary information to ensure a safe, effective, and peaceful gathering. Everyone should read it before the protest. 

Know Your Rights   

  • You have the right to protest on public sidewalks without a permit, as long as you don’t obstruct pedestrian traffic.
  • You can hold signs and distribute flyers freely.
  • You may record police interactions as long as you don’t interfere with their duties.

Permits & Restrictions

  • NO use amplified sound (megaphones, speakers) within 500 feet of the courthouse.
  • NO marching in the streets and blocking traffic.
  • Do NOT block sidewalks, building entrances, or driveways.
  • Signage: Ensure that signs do not contain language that could be construed as incitement or threats.



Law Enforcement

  • If police give a lawful order to move, comply to avoid arrest.
  • Police must provide their name, rank, and reason for any stop.
  • You don’t have to speak to police or provide ID unless arrested.
  • If detained, ask: “Am I free to go?” If not, say: “I wish to remain silent and want a lawyer.”
  • Police officers cannot delete your data or confiscate your equipment without a warrant.


Staying Safe & Prepared

  • Plan your route & exit strategy in case of emergency.
  • Write down an emergency contact & legal aid number.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and avoid bringing valuables.
  • Bring water, snacks, and first aid supplies.
  • Fully charge your phone & disable facial recognition.


Sample Posters


Need more poster ideas? Here are suggestions:

- Health Care is a Human Right
- Denial of Life-Saving Care is a Death Sentence
- Insurance Greed Kills
- Put the System on Trial
- In Luigi we Trust 

- Patients over Profits
- Healthcare for All Now!
- Justice for Luigi
- No More Deaths by Denials
- 1 in 3 denied claims is not a statistic. It's your loved ones being denied the life-saving care they deserve.
- Murder-for-Profit is Terrorism!
- It's a Crime to Deny Care
- It's not Left vs Right, It's the Bottom vs the Top!
- U.S. Healthcare system = Legal Murder

- Free Luigi

** Note: If you have extra sign materials or extra green shirts, please bring to share with others!

Partners in the Movement

We are proud to stand alongside grassroots organizations, advocacy groups, and local leaders who share our vision for a healthier, more just future. Together, we amplify our voices and strengthen the fight for meaningful reform.

Solidarity & Support: Thank You to Our Partners & Sponsors! 

Copyright © 2025 People Over Profit